With the world in fear and completely shutting down over COVID-19 I wanted to address what we’re doing and how we’re continuing to go forward right here in the studio.

We’ve always followed a standard of care in the studio but want to reassure everyone that we will continue to follow and exceed that standard.  As of today we have bleached and disinfected everything again and will continue to do so.  We have maintained hygiene and continue to wash our hands and refrain from touching faces. We plan to continue to remain open during the epidemic as we are not going to be terrified by what media has lead us to believe.  We are listening to the health care professionals and the scientists who have been working with the virus.  That being said, should you feel uncomfortable coming for your newborn, family, or any portrait session we understand.  We ask that you please be aware of our studio policies.  We do not offer refunds.  We know currently in AB the risks are low, however due to the fear out there and your choice to rebook a session we are happy to transfer your session fee to another scheduled date.

Going Forward

  •  We will be closely following the guidelines of the CDC to protect my studio and our families.
  • While I’ve always sanitized my studio, and all clothing touched after ever single session, we will continue to follow this practice.
  • Im an avid hand washer regardless but will continue to be one throughout and wash even a little bit more than we already do.
  • We will be disinfecting doorknobs and surfaces that don’t come in contact with babies and children.
  • We will be asking that everyone that walks into the studio to please wash your hands before proceeding with your session.


We ask that should you feel unwell, or be symptomatic in any way, get tested by simply dialling 8-1-1.  AB health services are there to help!  Communicate with us!  Keep us informed.  If you or anyone in your family coming for the session are immunocompromised, advise us. We WILL reschedule your appointment should you feel more comfortable in order to protect YOU!

While COVID-19 does not revolve around vaccinations etc, we want our clients to know we do take pride in making sure our healthy steps to run a healthy space are met so that we can protect those who can’t protect themselves.

Thank you,

AdaLilly Photography