We’re OVERJOYED and couldn’t wait to share our amazing news with y’all!
This year being an observer member of the Professional Photographers of Canada has taught me so much, so I decided to enter into the Alberta regional image competition. Competitions are nerve racking as $#!%. I thought what the heck, just toss your images in and if anything utilize the feedback to keep improving your craft Andrea.
September 12th
Cue nail biting as I sat waiting in anticipation on what the scores would be. Keep in mind this competition is judged by top photographers not only in the Alberta region but in Canada! Prestigely awarded photographers.
So what did they say?
E: Excellence (or if you understand medal placings E = Gold)
M: Merit (M = Silver)
A: Accepted (A = Bronze)
NA: Not Accepted (NA = no medal)

MoonDreams | Category: Fine Art | Score: Merit

Elegance | Category: Portrait | Score: Accepted
We can’t thank you enough for supporting our little business and continuing to help us grow in our passion of the art of Photography. These scores wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our little village of clients, mentors, family & friends.
Who made it possible:
Models: Nicole Caron (Retired Alberta Ballet Dancer) & ALP Studio’s inspirational resident Adaleyah
HAMU: Makeup by Miss Lu
Dresses: Couture by Frances Black & Dollcake Vintage
Capture & Composition: AdaLilly Photography (Andrea – both images)
Thank you again,
AdaLilly Photography