
***TIP TUESDAY #7***

The Art of Candid Child Photography

If your child doesn’t like sitting still or posing for the camera, have no worries.  We can still get some great photos of the little ones.  When children don’t want to cooperate, we as photographers jump to plan B.  It is our job to create situations where you child can relax and candidly bring out their personalities.  About 97% of the time, I prefer candid shots instead of the posed ones.


AdaLilly Photography



You may have seen it in the news recently, a predator posing as a photographer.  I’m really saddened by this, never should a situation like this ever arise.  So I wanted to take the time to be more informative on the profession, what we do and the service we provide.  After all we are in the best business!

I am proud to be able to say my business is legit!  I am a legal photography business.

I get it!  Photography is another luxury like that of a European vacation.   Whether or not to choose between the less expensive or the most expensive tour/package can be a hard decision.  So I’m here to share what I’ve worked so hard for and to provide for my clientele, family & friends.

As a legal photography business there are steps I had to take to make sure my business stood out amongst the crowd and provided some reassurance for enquiring eyes.  I didn’t just grab my camera, take a few snaps ask someone to pay me for them and voila!  I potentially could have done it that way, and there are some that do, but I chose to do it the right way.  While the excitement was over running my emotional state, I knew I could not ethically take any money from anyone until I was L-E-G-I-T!

4 Things to think about when looking for a photographer to capture those most precious moments.

  • Are they a legally licensed/registered business?  (It’s okay to ask these questions if they don’t already advertise this incredibly important point)
  • Are they insured?  This is huge!  I can’t stress this point enough.  If the photographer is not insured you can bet they’ll be holding YOU, the client liable for any and all potential damages or injuries!  YES!  You could be billed for that and I can assure you receiving an invoice to replace a $25K lighting system that your uncle bumped into at your wedding causing a domino effect trashing all the photographers gear would likely give anyone a coronary. (As an insured photographer I carry liability insurance)  I mean how awkward is that to have to send an invoice to your client or vice versa being on the receiving end of said invoice.
  • References!  Do they have references or ratings?  You may find these posted on their webpage under ‘kind words’ or ‘testimonials’.  Or they may have ratings on their google page.  Regardless of where they’re located ask to see some if they’re not visible.
  • Taxes!!!  Do they pay their taxes?  If they’re a legally licensed/registered business, they likely pay taxes.

Keep in mind that while we love to create and produce stunning timeless images for our clients, here at ALP we’re more proud of the fact that we can do it legally and with reassurance!  With ALP you’re working with an established photography service provider and that is priceless.

I am licensed & insured.  I’ve got paperwork to prove it.  I run a legal tax paying photography business.  It’s not cheap to run my business but I’m proud of taking the proper steps to be #legit

AdaLilly Photography

***TIP TUESDAY #6***

Use our online session reservation link to secure your session

We know how crazy life can be and if it were just simple to book appointments online everywhere it would take away from the additional planning etc.  So we have created a very simplistic approach to booking your studio sessions directly from our webpage!

We encourage you to book soon as we are already booking several months out.  While I’m trying to open the studio extra dates they’ll be by appointment only at this rate.

Now when scheduling online, please remember to check your junkmail for the confirmation email we will send back to you.  With this you will receive another one with the contract to sign as well as our session preparation guide.

How does it work?

Where to go to book your session?   Our bookings page (also linked on our platforms)

Next Steps:

Choose your session

Select date & time

(it will only give you the options of what is available, to find more dates simply scroll through the calendar)

Click Select

Enter information and payment


Wait for confirmation…

(usually received within 48hrs but remember to check your junkmail)

NOTE:  Any VIP member pricing…your email must match that of which you provided when signing up for our VIP Membership or your booking will NOT be approved.

This is new to us too so there may be some kinks to work out still.  For now lets give it a go and we can’t wait to see our calendar fill up to create beautiful timeless art with all our amazing friends, family, and favourite people…YOU!

Thanks for hanging out!


AdaLilly Photography



Today we’re back to talk about Comparing Packages & Asking about Your Rights…

Grab a cup of coffee and lets sit down and review those packages!!!


Knowing the exact dollar amount?  You won’t know what the number will be until you decide what type of coverage you want for your day, how many albums you need and where your photographer is from.  Packages can range well between $500 – $15,000 + on the higher more experienced end of the spectrum.  When you meet with your photographer(s) ask for a general idea of what the investment will be based on the photographer’s standard rate/shooting feee and package.  Additionally ask about the rates for their albums you think you’ll want and the amount of coverage you’re hoping to book them for.  Do you require their services for the day?  or possibly the entire weekend?   Are you getting hitched at a destination location?  All these factors can greatly effect your investment.  Keep in mind the value you seek.  Do you care about experience in the art?  Is it important to you to have more than one photographer?  If so you need to ask how much it is for the additional coverage.  Do you want an engagement session or a newlyweds session?  Are these additional to the packages or included?  Is a second shooter part of the contract?  If not ask about the possibility.  While it’s nice to have a second shooter they’re not always available, be prepared for the  possibility that they may not be if this decision is made later on in the discussions.  Depending on the size of your wedding a third shooter may even be beneficial.  Enabling all angles to be captured from your event.


READ THOSE CONTRACTS!!!!  Most photographers stipulate in their contracts that they own the rights to all the images taken at the wedding.  Yes!  That includes the ones of you!  What does this mean?  This means that the photographer has the right to use all images promotionally where they choose.  (website, blog, publication submissions, and ads).  Knowing this leads us to the next part…digital proofs.  Most photographers have a policy that you can only share watermarked images or images with their credit on them.  If you want to print the images yourself or order an album from another source, you’ll likely have to buy the rights to the images.

Thank you for coming back!  We’ll be wrapping up this section of WWI next week and then head into some more details of wedding photography and planning!!

AdaLilly Photography

***TIP TUESDAY #5***

Choosing the perfect location for your session

It’s almost time for your session and we’re trying to decide on a location. Here are some things you’ll want to think about:

  • Keep in mind the décor of your home. My personal photography style is bright, soft & airy.  My home is more modern minimalist themed.  I would never have us dressed in bright colors on a canvas on my wall because it doesn’t go with my décor.  Make sure you coordinate your outfits and locations to match the décor style of your home.  You also will need to coordinate the colours with the walls of your house so they don’t clash.
  • If you have a more vintage style decor in your home, studio canvas portraits may not look as amazing, and location portraits  not as good unless you put them in complimentary vintage type frames to make them fit in more.
  • If you have a more modern home like mine, studio photos will more than likely be your best option.
  • You can also choose to have a lifestyle session done inside your home. We will come to your house and take photos of your family in your own natural environment. These are beautiful and will look great in your house because they match perfectly.

AdaLilly Photography



Hello Friends and Followers…

I’m in search of newborn twins to help me out!  I am working on posing and would love to feature my new collection of wraps I recently received.  Twins would be ideal, but if not 2 newborns will work too.  Baby/babies must be within 1-15 days old preferably under 8lbs but not a deal breaker.

This is not a full session, and the focus is strictly on the newborn(s).  It will take approximately 1hr – 1.5hrs of your time per babe.  ALP Studio model release contract must be signed as well as my studio session contract in order to receive this opportunity.  You will receive the studio time and session free along with one complimentary signature digital art piece from your session.  Of course there is always an option to purchase more.

If you’re due around these dates please let me know ASAP and email me with a picture of your newborn (obviously when born), without a hat, and let me know Date of Birth and babe/baby’s weight.

Thank you,


AdaLilly Photography

ALP Studios

***TIP TUESDAY #4***



We’ve all seen those adorable photos of new little babies looking so peaceful and relaxedandnot a care in the world. As new parents, we want similar photos of our children to send out to grandparents, make into screensavers, and blast out to our social media pages to show off our amazing baby. But then session day comes around and BAM!– your baby does not want anything to do with it.

You’re thinking, “Why won’t you stop crying? I’ve literally done everything I can think of, but you’re still not happy.  Don’t you know I’m paying good money for this session?  Sarah’s baby cooperated in her session, why can’t you just go to sleep and let us get some nice photos?!”  If this is happening during your session, I want you to stop,breathe and remember one thing: all newborns cry.  This is a natural, real emotion that all newborns have for most of their first few months of life. It’s not abnormal. There is nothing wrong with your child for doing it. It is nothing to be ashamed of.  They aren’t doing it to embarrass you.  And when you stress out about the fact that your baby iscrying, that then makes things even worse because he or she knowsyou’re upset.

Don’t let the crying upset you.  Embrace this moment in time. It won’t be long before you forget how her little forehead wrinkled up whenever shescreamed, or how histoes would get all stretched out and tense when he was upset.  Let us capture these little details.  These crying photos can evoke real emotion and demonstrate the love you have for your child as you try to soothe him or her.  Your child can look back at these photos once they’re all grown and remember the solace that they found in your arms.  These tender moments are just as important, if not more so, than the sleeping, posed photos.

The point of booking a newborn session is to help you preserve the first memories of your child’s life.  While posed photos are cute, you’re not going to look back and think, “Remember how cute she was whenever she would lounge around the house in frog-form?” because that didn’t happen. You’ll look back at these photos and remember all the nights you walked your baby around the house or rocked him in a chair and hummed lullabies to try to calm him down. Those times are very stressful, but they also help you form a bond and that’s what makes these photos treasured.

All that being said, if you have your heart set on those peaceful, posed photos, we can always take a break and try again and,if all else fails, reschedule.


AdaLilly Photography


We know its only January and its still fresh with the new year just beginning, but its time to start planning to get in with us to capture those moments that will captivate your heart forever!


We thought about calling these just another ‘Mommy & Me Session’ but it didn’t speak to us, we felt we wanted to touch on those incredible memorable moments, the ones that have meaning and will remain with your heart forever.  Therefore we thought how sentimental it would be to share these moments with mom, grandma, auntie, etc.  After all there are many women in our lives that have likely had an impact on who we are today, why not celebrate with them all!

These are limited and won’t be back until the following year.  As these sessions tend to book incredibly fast and due to the unique nature of their design we’ve chosen to book a select few spaces and dates.

Come see us on any of the following dates to capture some unforgettable moments:

April 4th, 5th, 18th or 19th, 2020

Reserve your date today!


AdaLilly Photography


Kids are completely unpredictable.

They can be so adorable and easy going and laughing uncontrollably one minute, and the next minute, turn that charm off completely. They will typically smile for you all day long until you put them in front of a camera, then they freeze up like a deer in headlights.  We want to avoid the gritted teeth and bug-eyed forced smiles during our session.

Here are some things you can do…

  • Make a list of things that your child thinks are funny and send it to us prior to the session.  This way, we can be prepared and add these things into our ‘bag of tricks’.


  • Also give us a list of icebreakers for your child.  Tell us the kinds of shows they watch, music they listen to, friends’ names, favorite story, etc. This will give us something to talk to them about, and will help themforget they’rein front of the camera.


  • Practice phrases at home to see which ones evoke the best smiles from your child.  (Please, oh please, avoid “Say cheese!” unless that really works for you child.)


  • Try out a couple of jokes with them. During the session, we can ask them to tell us a joke and this will typically loosen them up as they tell it to us.


  • If there is a song that your child loves, load it up to your phone and bring it along with you, or be prepared to sing it for them during the session.


  • Prepare bribe (such as a toy, a trip to the zoo, etc.) and show it to them, or remind them of it, during the session.


AdaLilly Photography


Hello!  You’re back!


The analytical eye…nows the time to be a bit more critical in choosing your photographer.  When assessing a photographer’s album, it is important to remember to note those pivotal moments you want captured.  For example, did the photographer capture that first look as the bride enters the room or aisle?  Is there a certain clarity in the images you’re looking at for example do they appear crisp and clean or are they sharp with a delicate softness.  Is there considerate composition of the images?  Were there any emotional images captured that speak to you?  Do the subjects in images look relaxed even if posed?  You two are the most important piece of the day’s puzzle but you want to see happy images of your friends and family too!


Probably the most important part of the process.  To love a photographers work is one thing, but to love and get along with the photographer is another.  The client/photographer bond is absolutely the most important aspect when choosing your photographer.  A few things to note as you discuss your vision and day:  Does the photographer get overjoyed with your vision as you describe it to him/her?  Do they present their recommendations clearly and respectfully?  Are they shy?  What are their mannerisms and are they uninviting?  In order to get the best gallery of images we suggest that you choose a professional that has an unyielding hold of ettiquet but is brave enough to chase those epic images, but more than that, they should help alleviate some stress of the day.

You’re photographer will be your shadow, therefore the more comfortable you are with each other the better your images will turn out.  They should ask lots of questions and be a good listener.


Join us again next week for another continuation to finding your perfect photographer!

AdaLilly Photography

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